
Irresistible Community Builders Presents: A Fusion Shopping Experience: The Gift that Literally Keeps on Giving

by Tom & Carol Braford

Feeling conflicted about going to the malls this season and turning over another big chunk of what you’ve earned to the 1% so they can buy more houses, cars and Congressmen? Wanna join the rest of the 99% this year instead and keep 100% of your hard earned cash and credit right here, circulating in our community?

Well, now you can do just that by attending weekly Saturday markets at Culver Way Ecovillage. Enjoy live music, get a massage and have a bite to eat and something to drink. Craft a gift with your own hands with the assistance and guidance of local artists, purchase goods and services with service credit contracts, commodity contracts and exchange contacts that you can purchase at the door at a discount or use your dollars or trade items to strike your own best deal with vendors.

Be part of something bigger than you and beyond shopping this season. Be part of the solution as you engage in a practical way to rebuild our local economy one transaction at a time, one community market at a time, one ecovillage at a time, one eco-district neighborhood at a time, one EcoCity at a time.

Let the 1% eat dollars this holiday season if they don’t want to pay their fair share while the rest of us dine on the abundance of community. We realize that there are some well mannered 1%’ers and many ill mannered 99%’ers who are just in it for themselves, but we don’t blame anyone for the state of affairs. It is our systems that have failed us. Our social systems, our economic and governmental systems are all broken. And all the corporate kings’ horses and all the corporate kings’ men can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again. But we the people can!

Join us in the Marketplace of Ideas, Services, Commodities and Beautiful, Useful Things, as we begin the restoration to a one for all and all for one society, environment and economy. It will be from 9:00 to 4:00 on the following Saturdays: December 3, 10, 17 & 24. Check our website below for more details.

You are also welcome to join us on December 17 for our monthly tour of the Ecovillage at 11:00.


Tom & Carol Braford


