
Hawk On Health

With Heather Hawk

Set A Goal To Jumpstart Your Fitness Regimen

After our second daughter was born I was struggling to find the energy and motivation to exercise. Health and wellness are a passion of mine; however my health was taking a backseat to the many tasks I needed to get done. I decided to take the advice I had given to so many others and set a goal. Since I’ve always preferred strength training to running or cardio, I decided to step outside my comfort zone. I signed up for the Go! St. Louis Half-Marathon! Not only did I sign up, I started telling everyone I knew that I was doing it. That way I was locked in and accountable.

I knew that I would have to stick to a training schedule if I was going to finish the 13.1 miles so I had to make the time to exercise. My new goal really paid off because it re-ignited my passion for fitness and helped me shed the baby weight. After successfully completing the half-marathon, I continued to run but dropped down the mileage quite a bit. In place of my running sessions I substituted strength training, circuit training, and hitting the track. I had “made” the time before so why not now?!

If you need to recharge your exercise routine, set a goal. It doesn’t have to be running a half-marathon. It might be running (or walking) a 5K or signing up for a charity bike ride. Having an event or a final date in sight will keep you focused on your goal.  Make it personal for you—and if someone else benefits (such as a charity), all the better!

If an active charity event isn’t your motivation then set your sites on another goal. Perhaps you want to  shape up for class reunion or upcoming wedding, or you’re longing to fit into a pair of shorts you haven’t worn in 2 summers or simply feel confident in your swimsuit again. If your goal doesn’t hold you to a definitive deadline, then you want to create a plan to keep you motivated. Write down your primary goal then establish weekly steps.  For example, the first week you will walk 2 days for 30 minutes. The second week you will walk 2 days and do a workout DVD or take a fitness class on the fourth day.

Creating weekly goals will help you stay on track for the final goal. Remember, recruiting a workout partner to exercise with you is a wonderful way to stick to your workout plan. You’re less likely to skip the exercise session when someone else is counting on you!

Once you begin seeing results that will be all the motivation you need to stay consistant.

Got a fitness or health question?

E-mail Heather at
