By Adrienne Rusbarsky and Tim Wood
THE COLLEGE SCHOOL engages children, ages 3 to eighth grade, in joyful, meaningful and creative learning through an adventurous, theme-based, experiential curriculum. The diverse community works as a partnership, cultivating excellence in academics, character and collaboration, as the school prepares students for life-long learning, service and citizenship. The early childhood program incorporates the Reggio philosophy. Recent campus enhancements include a greenhouse, gardens, teaching kitchen, Spanish classroom, early childhood playground and theater, plus 28 acres of property in Pacific, MO for off-site study.Since mid-2010 when The College School acquired the LaBarque property just 30 minutes away, we have been busy at the site. The acquisition has allowed us to extend our environmental curriculum. Many students have been visiting the property to learn about the variety of natural communities there. They have been exploring the connections between the environment and the plants and animals in each of those natural communities. The campus addition has also enabled us to start a beekeeping program.
We are looking for ways to utilize our bees for educational purposes and to use the products of their hard work as a resource for our community. Bees not only produce honey, they also produce beeswax and collect pollen. Bees are interesting social insects that range for several miles in their search for food. Our goals for this year are to create a healthy hive, which we hope will yield honey next year, and a deeper understanding of these social insects for our students.
At The College School primary grades are taught by two full-time teachers, who often divide the class in half for math and language arts instruction. In addition to core subject studies, students meet with specialist teachers in Art, Drama, Music, Spanish, PE and Greenhouse/Gardens. Middle school (grades 6-8) is led by a core team of six teachers. All students study multi-disciplinary Themes, which are focused on science and social studies topics. Field trips, projects and outdoor experiences are tied to these Theme studies, giving the students opportunities to explore topics in greater depth. The school owns three buses and 45% of the faculty holds commercial drivers’ licenses, enabling them to extend student learning regularly into the surrounding community.
Are you curious and interested in learning more? Join us for our Fall Open House: Saturday, Nov. 12, 9 AM-Noon and our Winter Children’s Festival (for ages 2-8), Saturday, Jan. 7, 2012, 10 AM to Noon. Check website for Tours on Tuesday dates or schedule a personal tour of campus at