
Taking The Mystery Out of Yoga

By Gretchen Karros


Yoga and the philosophy of the Yogic path has many different interpretations, explanations and definitions.  This monthly section is intended to enlighten, expand and inform both Yogis and non-Yogiis about this very ancient science of well being.


The topic for this month is:  TANTRA

The word “Tantra” comes from the Sanskrit word  which means “a kind of thread that is usually used in weaving. In Tantra practice we are weaving together threads of wisdom and making new connections.  The Tantric path is less about a program of study as it is about making these new connections and testing different possibilities for creating a happy and fulfilled life.


Hinduism in India after Buddha died had a crisis because there were many sects and  “other than Vedic” beliefs becoming desirable. Tantra, as well as many esoteric religions, were generally secret, considered a mystery and only taught to a son or pupil.  This was especially true of the Tantras.  “These represent a development of the medieval period, the Tantic literature of its present form. belonging to the centuries following 300 A.D.”  Consequently there was a purge against Buddhism.  Temples were destroyed, documents and books were burned and generally, the religion moved to Tibet, China, Japan and to Southeast Asia.


This very short historical view is an introduction to Tantra because it eventually was called “Tantric Buddhism.” And most hold other forms of Buddhism and Yoga in great respect.   Hatha Yoga is related to Tantra in many ways but Tantra uses different approaches, i.e. ritual ceremonies, healing, Gods and Goddesses, breathing, visualizations, mantras and more.  Not all Tantra is Yogic or Buddhist.  The Tantric path, is more a path of experimenting various forms of nurturing and balancing  thereby gaining personal power and spiritual freedom.

•  Zeinrich Zimmer “Philosophies of India”


Quote for the day

“To change your negative thinking to positive thinking,challenge your thoughts. Don’t believe every thought you have!”

John Stark