
NOTES FROM THE WILDLIFE RESCUE CENTER: Celebrate Autumn With the Wildlife Rescue Center

By Suzi Margraff, Intern
Wildlife Rescue Center

Halloween is around the corner, but some animals are already donning their masks. Our local raccoons have the best costume with ringed tails and black masked eyes. And since they are nocturnal, they will be out with us on Halloween night, most likely “trick-or-treating” in wooded areas. No worries. They are just fattening up for the winter.

Raccoons will soon be growing their winter coat to prepare for this season. Even the baby raccoons are getting ready by growing in their adult teeth and practicing their whistle. Raccoons make a variety of sounds including purring and chuckling, but in autumn, they mainly use their shrill whistle to call to each other.

These furry “bandits” are also readying their hideouts for the cold season. Racoons frequently make their dens in tree hollows but will settle in other places like cave crevices, stands of thick grass, or even the abandoned burrows of other animals.

One thing that makes them feel at home is a body of water. Raccoons like to fish and hunt in shallow water and forage for a wide variety of fruits and nuts around the area. There is a myth that raccoons wash their food in water before they eat it. This is partially true. They dip their food in water to soften it and then inspect it with their sensitive front paws to make sure it will taste just right.

Speaking of tasty food, Wildlife Rescue Center is hosting the LONE WOLF BLUES FESTIVAL on October 1st. Admission is a $35 donation. Profits benefit Endangered Wolf Center and Wildlife Rescue Center. Your donation includes soft drinks and food provided by The Wolf Public House. A bottle beer & wine cash bar will be available. Live Music featuring Melissa Neels Band with special guests Jimmyleg, Wildhorse Creek and King Slam. It guarantees to be a wild time!

Closer to Halloween, we are holding our TAILS OF THE NIGHT bonfire and night hike on Friday, October 28th at 6:30p.m. There will be s’mores, crafts and activities. There will even be a costume contest with prizes for kids and adults, but the raccoon might be tough competition. Parking donation is $5 per vehicle. Registration is required, 636-394-1880. So come out for an evening with the animals of the night!

www.mowildlife.org; 636-394-1880.