
Irresistible Community Builders Presents: Come Live and Work in an Integral Urban Ecovillage

By Tom & Carol Braford


We have three openings in a co-op rental house at Culver Way Ecovillage and are looking for people interested in our mission to have the Greater St. Louis Region become a model for sustainable lifestyles and economies.  We share meals, house, yard and garden work and are spearheading 350 climate actions, 2020 St. Louis Climate Leadership Campaign programs and Citizens Climate Lobby actions in our region.  Our current facilities cannot accommodate children or pets, but they will in the future.

As part of our climate work we just kicked off a plan to cut CO2 emissions by 80% by 2020 in our region at a Design Charrette at Wash U that will be fleshed out and then finalized at a Cool St. Louis Climate Summit at SLU October 7-10.  We are also coordinating 10/10/10 Global Work Party events in our region, so call us to donate or volunteer for any of this and register your 10/10/10 actions at www.stl350.com.

There are still openings in the first for sale cohousing neighborhood.  We are putting the final touches on restructuring and financing and should be under construction again by fall with the first units available in the spring.

We are also establishing an Ecovillage Development & Construction Co-Op and an Urban Farmers & Micro Utility Co-Op.  These companies will develop both the social and physical communities and will build out and operate aspects of the Culver Way and future ecovillages.  We are putting together a core team of people interested in taking on serious accountabilities and being co-owners in these new enterprises.  If you are seeking a career in sustainable development, green construction, social community building, marketing, urban farming or micro utility operation and you are a team player, give us a call.

We will also be forming study groups this fall, to include ‘Raising Children in Community’ for younger potential residents, ‘Greener Living through Community’ for all ages and ‘My Encore Life in Community’ for seniors.  We are looking for potential community members who could assist in developing and facilitating these programs as members of the development co-op.

Please join us for an open house and potluck lunch to learn more about our ecovillage on Saturday, August 21, at 11:00.



Culver Way Ecovillage:

Tom & Carol Braford,





Green Beings Urban farm:

Sabrina Hilton,

