

July 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17 & 18, 2010

The Story of Cap and Trade

Airs on KDHX Digital Ch. 980 in the City of St. Louis: 07/05 & 07/12 8:30 pm, 07/07 & 07/14 7 pm, 07/10 & 07/17 12:30 pm, & 07/11 & 07/18 6pm.  Host Don Fitz and guest Henry Robertson discuss what could happen if we fail to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% and how we can survive if we

leave fossil fuels in the ground.  This show includes Annie Leonard’s classic “The Story of Cap and Trade.”


July 6, 15, 19, 28


A plain-talk seminar by Christine Salter, MD, DC. Reduce your risks for leaky gut, heartburn, colon cancer and more. 7 pm, Richmond Heights Community Center, 8001 Dale Ave. Richmond Heights, MO 63117. Sponsored by the Centre for Vibrant Health and Wellness. For more info or to RSVP call Darlene at 314-361-0111 or  email to dmimbs@drsalter.com.


July 10

Caring for Your Personal Filter: (NOSE)

Common Sense Solutions for Allergies, Sinus Infections, and More. 1 pm. Presented by: Dr. Hana Solomon, M.D. THE NATURAL WAY *FREE* Speaker’s Series.  Meet a board-certified pediatrician and inventor of the nationally-known Nasopure nasal cleansing system. Dr. Hana is the author of Clearing the Air One Nose at a Time, and an expert at naturally alleviating common respiratory issues.  Let Dr. Hana teach you how to clean your nose the natural way.  The Natural Way – Webster Groves, 8110 Big Bend Blvd. 314-961-3541. Or Dr. Hana  at 573-999-0450.


July 10

Crown Ridge

Tiger Sanctuary Appreciation Day

11am-3pm. We would like to thank all of our supporters and donors over the years and invite EVERYONE to a FREE day at the sanctuary. There will be NO admission price to enter the sanctuary. Our new education classroom and observation deck will be open and we will be giving scheduled tours. We will be having a silent auction, selling pictures, tiger prints, and various other items. This is a GREAT day to bring the whole family for a day of fun and activities, all for FREE. We will have games and crafts for all age levels. Donations are encouraged. Info: (573)330-7334 jmeeker@crown-ridge.com.

July 10

Ratha Yatra Festival of Chariots

Parade & Festival hosted by the St. Louis branch of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), 10:30 to 12 noon, South Grand Business District. “An ultimate celebration of harmonious diversity, beyond divisive designations of nationality, religion or even gender.” For more information please contact  Rupa Sanatana das at 314-255-6704 or email rpsdas@gmail.com.


July 13

Integrating Alternative Medicine

with Conventional Medicine

FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion – Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine – Learn how to build your immune system and take charge of your health. If you are suffering from chronic conditions, you’ll learn why you don’t have to live with your “incurable” symptoms anymore. Topics covered include: Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Nutrition, and many more. You should come to this discussion also if you feel, “My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so lousy?” Second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm at our healing clinic – Prevention and Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, St. Louis,  MO  63146, Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date and reserve your space at 314-432-7802. See patient success stories at www.preventionandhealing.com.


July 13

7th Annual Green Building Tour

USGBC-STL will be featuring the soon-to-be open William J. Harrison Education Center of St. Louis Community College at the 7th Annual Green Building Tour on the evening of July 13th.  This is a new 30,000 square foot development in the JeffVanderLou neighborhood is slated to open for classes in Fall 2010. The project is registered with the certification goal of LEED® Gold; a total of 46 points are being pursued. 5:30-7:30 pm. 3140 Cass Ave., St. Louis 63106. Free for USGBC-STL members $20 for non-members. Info call 314-577-0225.

July 17

Missouri Coalition For The Environment

Kiefer Creek Hike & Watershed Plan

To become involved in our efforts to protect and restore Kiefer Creek, join us at our July Kiefer Creek Hike at the Powder Valley Nature Center. We will meet in front of the Nature Center at 10am and after the hike we wiil go indoors and have a short video on Karst Topography (springs, caves, and sinkholes). The video will be followed  with a  presentation to update everyone on the watershed plan we are developing for the lovely Kiefer Creek. For more info or to RSVP contact Noelle Wyman at nwyman@moenviron.org.


July 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28 & 31 and August 1, 2010

The Limits to Growth

Airs on KDHX Digital Ch. 980 in the City of St. Louis: 07/19 & 07/26 8:30 pm, 07/21 & 07/28 7 pm, 07/24 & 07/31 12:30 pm, & 07/25 & 08/01 6pm.  If the economy were to grow forever, what would happen to biodiversity?  To toxic production?  To resource depletion?  To climate change?  Host Don Fitz and guests Fred Raines and Andy Lucker discuss economics and the environment.


July 20 (3rd Tuesday of Each Month)

Community Outreach Evening

7:00-9:00pm, A Gathering Place Massage School offers an evening of relaxation and bodywork, including Chair Massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Singing Bowls from Nepal, Reiki-Energywork, VibroAcoustic Sound Therapy, and much more. This event is free!  Held at 12131 Dorsett Road, Suite 101, Maryland Heights. Contact us at 314-739-5559 or www.agatheringplace.com.


July 20



FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion.You may not realize it, but your teeth and gums may be making you ill or weakening your immune system. Hidden infections. Unresolved illness. Find out what may be happening between your teeth and body and what to do about it. Discover how infection and illness transfer between the teeth and body. Understand how biological dentistry focuses on your overall health. Learn about dental materials that are compatible with wellness and those that aren’t. Understand options for mercury-free, tooth-colored fillings. Discover how certain dental procedures may negatively influence your body. Explore nutritional therapy that specifically supports a healthy mouth.Third Tuesday Each Month, 6:30 pm at the Holistic Dentristy office of, and presented by, Dr. Michael Rehme, D.D.S., C.C.N. (Certified Clinical Nutritionist), 2821 N. Ballas Rd, Suite 245, St. Louis, MO 63131. A Healthy Choice for Dental Care. Call to verify seminar date and reserve your space at 314-997-2550. Patient  Stories at www.toothandbodyconnection.com.


July 20

FREE LECTURE -Stress Strategies:

Simple Ideas for Staying Healthy in Stressfull Times

With Dr. Sharon Fitelson, Chiropractic Orthopedist & Acupuncturist. A straightforward discussion of the physiological effects of stress and how to cope through natural health care and whole food nutrition. Tues., July 20, 6:30-7:30 p.m. At InMotion Health Center, 7800 Clayton Road (at Hanley) RSVP 314.644.2081. Or at info@imhc.com.


July 20

Free Class: Detoxification

7-8 pm, The Healing Center 734 DeMun in Clayton. Let’s talk about Deep Cleaning—for the body.  There are many products, books and internet sites related to detox plans, but they seldom contain the answers to two vital questions:  How do I know if I need to detox? And How do I know when I am done?  Come learn about real detoxification with Dr. Gould.  Class size is limited.  Call 314-727-2120 now to reserve your seat.


July 24



2:00 – 3:30 pm This is the third in a series of classes that will focus on essential oils for each Chakra individually for 7 consecutive months. Class will include a grounding session and solar plexus chakra meditation. Taught by Kathy Klug LPN CA Registered Aromatherapist. Cost: $15. Held at Cheryl’s Herbs. Visit www.cherylsherbs.com for more information. Please contact us for a reservation 314-645-2165.


July 27


Explore the connection between your physical health and spiritual health.This leading edge information will be presented Tuesday July 27, 2010, 6:30 -8:00 PM. Prevention and Healing, Inc. (office of Dr. Simon Yu) 10908 Schuetz rd. Saint Louis, Mo. 63146 314-432-7802. Presented by: Paul Johnson, Chaplain and Mary Francis Hoffman, MTP, CHTP, RYT. Call today for more information and to reserve your spot. 314-443-0206.


July 29


10:00 am- 12:00 pm Learn how to make your own completely natural body care products. You will enjoy pampering your skin and hair with the natural goodness of aromatic essential oils, healing herbs and nourishing fruits and vegetables. Each person will make two products to take home. Taught by Cheryl Hoard, owner of Cheryl’s Herbs. Cost: $25. Held at Cheryl’s Herbs. Visit www.cherylsherbs.com for more information. Please contact us for a reservation 314-645-2165.

July 31


2:00 – 3:30 pm Learn how a four-step aromatherapy program can complement traditional treatment for severe depression. Using essential oils in these four ways is something you can do to help your client, loved one or close friend. Taught by Judy Millman, Registered Aromatherapist. Cost: $15. Held at Cheryl’s Herbs. Visit www.cherylsherbs.com for more information. Please contact us for a reservation 314-645-2165.


August 6

The Healing Center’s Summer Soirée

Friday Evening, August 6th at 6:30, at the Brentwood Recreation Center, 2505 South Brentwood Blvd. (1.3 miles South of the Galleria). Do you like to cook?  Are you looking for some inspiration?  Join Dr. Rebecca Gould D.C. and our Healing Center staff and friends for an evening of delicious food and fun.  This FREE event will be a cooking class and a party all rolled into one.  We will be sharing some delicious whole-food recipes and have a blast with nifty kitchen gadgets from Pampered Chef.  Food, music, and door prizes. Space is limited, there will be no at-the-door registrations.  Guests must register in advance to The Healing Center, 314-727-2120.