

With Craig Jung

Healthy Planet Green Living Editor



he StLouisGreen.com Holiday Light Recycling Drive is under way and will continue through Dec 12 at 18 area Walmart locations including Granite City and Collinsville.  Starting on Dec.13th other locations will begin collecting, which include 18 Car-x locations, Goodwill, Kirkwood Recycling Center, Schlafly, Whole Foods (Town and Country location only), Mungenast Lexus Dealership and others. We have a goal of 9 tons this year, last year we recycled 3 tons, please help us attain our goal.



St Louis Rams have had a very successful start to their greening efforts.  On October 17 they hosted the first  St. Louis Rams Green Game, which included adding 130 recycling bins to the clubs and suites, composting the prep food, Pre-Game Green Exhibition, Ameren UE Pure Power Energy offsets and 40+ volunteers collecting recyclables through-out the game.  They will be hosting two more games to volunteer to collect recycling on December 19 and 26.



The Missouri 9th Annual Environmental Summit is January 22nd 9:00am -3:00pm in Columbia, MO. Join the Missouri Votes Conservation Education Fund as they host environmental activists, business owners, small farmers, students and others interested in protecting Missouri’s environment for our 9th Annual Environmental Summit. Attendees will learn about a range of key issues and challenges that are facing our state, as well as the important role that citizen advocacy plays in creating better environmental policy.



The Saint Louis Auto Show announced the Eco City -an indoor feature area highlighting alternative fuel vehicles and businesses, which will allow manufacturers to display and consumers to drive hybrid and electric vehicles. There will be opportunities to learn about the cars and even test drive them. The EcoCity’s indoor track will wind through natural surroundings creating an outdoor setting for a green automotive experience.  Also visit the exhibits from companies committed to conservation, recycling, and clean energy as they educate about their green initiatives.  The Auto Show is held at America’s Center on Jan. 27-30, 2011.



What do Green Jobs mean to you?  I would love to hear from you about what your definition of a green job is and what it means to you.  Please submit them to me,  craig@stlouisgreen.com.


Thank You!  Happy Holidays!  Enjoy this wonderful time with your Family and Friends!