A Gathering Place Wellness Education Center
A Gathering Place Massage School teaches massage therapy and healing modalities from the heart! With our small class sizes, we become like family. Having fun while learning is a key to helping our students prepare and Pass the National Board Exam. Our National Board Exam pass ratio for 2010 – 2011 is 100%. We help with job placement and many of our students open their own business. Carve a niche for yourself in the bodywork field! You can take Allied Modalities which allow you to specialize in a specific type of bodywork while you are in school. We are enrolling for our Next Term now! Contact us: www.agatheringplace.com. Call us: 314-739-5559 for a tour of our school!
Cheryl’s Herbs
Cheryl Hoard, owner of Cheryl’s Herbs of St. Louis, is internationally recognized as a national leader in elevating the standards of Aromatherapy use and education. Cheryl’s Herbs sponsors a 40-hour Aromatherapy Certification Course taught by Cheryl. Live classes are scheduled throughout the year and a Distance Learning Program is also offered. CEUs are available for massage therapists. Cheryl also offers 2-hour classes on herbalism, aromatherapy and natural home and body care products. For more information visit www.cherylsherbs.com. Cheryl has twice been President of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) and aromatherapy consultant for Time Life Books. 7170 Manchester Rd. Suite A, Maplewood, MO 63143. 314-645-2165. 800-231-5971, or www.cherylsherbs.com.
Climbing Rose Waldorf Kindergarten
offers new programs – Art classes for children with a new media (painting, woodworking, modelling, fiber arts) to explore each month in a 3-hour class which includes the art experience, a free play experience and an organic snack. Glenda Moore will also be offering Parenting Classes and individual Parenting Consulting to address your family’s particular concerns. With 30 years of teaching experience which has focused on remedial work with children and parents, Glenda is eminently qualified to assist you in addressing your child’s particular challenges. Please call 314-646-0626 for more information and an application.
Mitchell Institute of Professional Hypnosis
Our mission is to provide training in the ethical and professional use of hypnosis. The professional focus and experience of our instructors gives the student both the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to become a professional in the field or add this set of skills to an existing profession. All of our instructors earn a full-time living as practicing hypnotherapists. Students that earn our Certificate of Completion in Hypnosis are eligible for certification. After the basic course for Certification (100 hours), we offer advanced courses for practicing professionals to increase their practice. In addition to basic training in hypnotism, we offer advanced training for specialization in Weight Control, Smoking Cessation, Stress Management, and Therapy for Trauma/PTSD, as well as Ericksonian Approaches to Therapy. CEU’s for professionals are also available. For more information call 1-800-662-3040, email hypnosisclinic@sbcglobal.net, or visit the website at www.mitchellinstitute.com.
Primordial Sound Meditation Classes
Dr. Deepak Chopra, best selling author and leader in the holistic health field, has revived Primordial Sound Meditation. This ancient form of meditation uses mantras, or Primordial Sounds, which are selected for each individual. This simple mantra technique, which is practiced twice daily, allows our awareness to go beyond the activity of our mind to the stillness of our spirit. This process allows our bodies to gain the deep rest necessary to release stress and fatigue. The result can be improved health, more satisfying relationships, increased creativity, and renewed enthusiasm for life. Primordial Sound Meditation can be learned by people of any age, culture, and educational background. It is recommended for anyone who wishes to enjoy greater peace, freedom and fulfillment. About the Instructor, Shirley Stoll, B.S., M.A. – Shirley has been involved with meditation since 1995 and is certified by Dr. Deepak Chopra as a Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and affiliated with the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California. As a former teacher, she combines her love for teaching with her commitment to meditation. For more information about upcoming classes please call 800-796-1144 or visit www.meditationconnect.com. Next class Nov. 19-20 at the Maria Center. Call for information and to sign up.
The Healing Arts Center
The Healing Arts Center offers the most established massage therapy training program in the St. Louis area. Our program provides graduates with the skills needed to become a successful massage therapist as they join one of the fastest growing professions in the field of health care. We encourage a supportive atmosphere which integrates mind, body and spirit while promoting learning, challenge and growth for all students. Accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC), the Healing Arts Center offers financial aid to qualifying students and is dedicated to providing quality, holistic education for individuals pursuing a professional career in massage therapy. We also offer a variety of continuing education classes such as Reiki, Yoga, Cranial-Somatic Therapy and Reflexology. For more information and complete course listings, please call 314-647-8080 or visit us online at www.thehealingartscenter.com.
Villa di Maria Montessori School
Since 1967 Villa di Maria Montessori School has offered an excellent foundation for life for children ages 2-1/2 to 12. The Montessori philosophy of education allows each child to grow toward independence and develop a love of learning in an environment which fosters respect for each child’s individuality. Children are introduced to a wide variety of activities and materials to assist in their total development. Students work at their own pace and make choices in a non-competitive atmosphere. Villa di Maria is located on six beautiful, wooded acres in Kirkwood. For more information call 314-822-2601.
Webster Wellness Professionals
Where you go for help with emotional eating, obesity, and eating disorder related medical, psychiatric, and psychotherapeutic care. Our highly trained team of clinicians and physicians provide cutting-edge treatment for children, adolescents, adults and their families and offers these services and more! · Comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluation (psychological, medical, psychiatric, nutritional) · Evidence-based therapies: DBT (individual and group), CBT (individual and group), Family-based treatment for AN, BN, and Binge Eating Disorders · Emotional Eating and Weight Management Intensive Program for Weight Loss · Men with Eating disorders and Weight Concerns. For more informaiton please visit: WebsterWellnessProfessionals.com or call 314-737-4070.
We honor the centuries old traditions of hatha yoga while appreciating the needs of students living in the 21st century. Our curriculum and classes are designed for students of all levels. Our classes include Yoga Basics for beginning level students as well as Open classes for those with previous experience (6 months), Anusara Yoga, Vinyasa (flow), and Power Vinyasa as well as Yin Yoga. Coming Fall of 2010, MO Power Vinyasa Yoga Institute!! We offer a Yoga Alliance Teacher Training yearly from February through November. We are conveniently located at 1500 South Big Bend, 2nd Floor in Richmond Heights, Missouri. For more information contact www.stlouisyogasource.com or call (314)645-9642.