
Are You A Head Case?

by Dr. Joseph F. Unger, Jr. D.C. F.I.C.S.

The nervous system is the body’s “Command Central” influencing virtually every aspect of its function. Your nervous system exerts influence upon muscles and joints as well as the function of organs and glands. Eighty percent of the nervous system resides in the head. The brain is truly the brains of the entire operation.

Over the past hundred years, research scientists have detected a continuous micro motion of the bones of the cranium. It is thought that these small movements are responsible for pumping cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) out of the cranium and down through the entire spine. The brain manufactures approximately 1 1/2 quarts of CSF daily.

If this CSF pump is not operating properly, a congestion of seat cerebrospinal fluid can build up in the cranium. This can not only cause symptoms of headaches, stuffy head, difficulty thinking, etc. but can also influence how the brain functions, creating potential problems anywhere in the body.
This pump is referred to as the craniosacral respiratory mechanism (CSRM). It connects by a tough membrane called the Dura mater from the cranium down through the entire spine to the sacrum, which is part of the pelvis. Because of these strong connections through the Dura, the CSRM not only affects the entire body but can be affected by every other part of the entire body. Dysfunctions in the cranial part of this mechanism can affect all the way down to the feet. Problems in the spine and pelvis can affect all the way up into the cranium. It is a complex and thoroughly interrelated system involving all parts of the individual.

Disturbances in this mechanism can come from many possible sources. Traumas, including those suffered at birth, can negatively affect the cranium. These stressors can be anywhere in the body such as a fall on your hips, a whiplash accident or many other causes. The effects of such disturbances can be immediate or may develop over time. We often see individuals with issues that we eventually discover are related to stresses, traumas or injuries that occurred decades earlier.
Treatment of cranial dysfunction is a specialized study. One system of cranial treatment is called Chiropractic Craniopathy. These treatments can only be applied by a specially trained chiropractic physician. After undergraduate college studies and 10 semesters at a chiropractic college, these dedicated doctors must go on to master Sacro Occipital Technic of Chiropractic (SOT™) which is the basis of Chiropractic Craniopathy. Certification in these techniques requires years of study and examinations following the doctorate program.

The interventions themselves may involve a variety of inputs. Balancing the pelvis and aligning the spine all influence the cranium and prepare it for the correction of distortions or cranial subluxations. The head bones themselves are also directly influenced by a variety of adjustments. There are literally hundreds of possible cranial interventions. Your SOT practitioner is qualified to determine if you are in need of cranial manipulation and which types of treatments to apply.
Training and certification in SOT and Chiropractic Craniopathy are offered through the International Craniopathic Society (ICS) and administered by the Sacro Occipital Research Society International, Inc. (SORSI). More Information is available at www.SORSI.com website or at www.atriumhealthservices.com.

Are you a Cranial Headcase? We are fortunate to have a large concentration of excellent SOT doctors in the St. Louis area. Consult any of these fine practitioners to find out.

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