
Articles from ‘February 2020’ Issue

ARTful Happenings — February 2020


Through February 23TEA & COOKIES: 17th BIENNIAL TEAPOT EXHIBITIONCraft Alliance Center of Art + Design, 6640 Delmar; for info, visit www.craftalliance.org. 

Through March 27HIGH SCHOOL TEAPOT EXHIBITIONSpirtas Gallery, Ladue Horton Watkins High School, 1201 South Warson; for info, visit www.craftalliance.org. 


ArtFul Living

St. Louis Area Fine Arts, Crafts & Performing Arts

Michelle “Mike” Ochonicky, Arts Editor

Savor Everything, But Especially Art!

In our last issue, I promised to share a bit about my recent adventures in Italy. It was wonderful (and wine-filled!); it was breathtaking (literally: I hiked up mountains!); it was inspiring (the art and spirituality of Umbria is […]

Coalition Report

By Maisah Khan, Clean Water DirectorCoalition for the Environmentwww.moenviron.org

Floods, Floodplains, and FRAWG — Oh My

We have been busy tracking flooding response and floodplain developments at MCE. Last year was a devastating, destructive year when it came to flooding and extreme weather events in our state. It was the second-wettest year in the Missouri River basin since record-keeping […]

Conservation Corner

Nature’s Valentine: The Northern Cardinal

By Dan Zarlenga, Missouri Department of Conservation

February is a time we celebrate love. Red is the theme, when red hearts, red candy, and red valentines abound. Nature gives us its own special flourish of red for Valentine’s Day in the form of the northern cardinal. These beautiful birds are common statewide […]

Decoding Food Cravings

By Stephanie Albanito, Founder of Full Circle Health Coaching Systems 

Traditionally, we think of food in terms of calories, which translate into our energy source. As a Health Coach, that is only one way I approach food. I would also like to propose the idea that all food has an energy polarity. What do I mean by polarity? […]

Earthworms’ Castings

With Jean Ponzi

Nature’s Best Hope

One big brass key to making Green stuff work is how you talk about it.

Doug Tallamy is THE BEST communicator about ecological landscaping. He is coming to St. Louis in early March to talk to folks here. To homeowners, to land-use decision-making professionals, and to greenies like me, who can always […]

From Well-washing To WELL Buildings

By Shannon Koberlein, WELL Faculty

While traveling recently, I happened upon a coffee shop called Well Coffeehouse. As I stood outside on the sidewalk, a familiar adage came to mind, “Wellness is the next trillion-dollar industry.”

I began to pay attention to all of the instances in which I saw the concept of ‘well’ utilized. I saw the […]

Garden Seeds & Love

By Linda Wiggen Kraft

In this month of love, it is important to bring love to the seeds you choose to grow in your garden. The first part of seed growing is to choose what to grow. The seed catalogs started arriving before the first of the year and are still coming. These treasure books and […]

Having Health Issues? Could It Be All In Your Head?

By Tom Tessereau, Certified Bio Craniopath,The Healing Arts Center

According to doctor’s findings it certainly appears this age-old adage is true.

But no one should say that your health problems are just in your imagination. We are referring to structural anatomy and physiology, namely the bones and connective tissues in the cranium. Your head.

Based on findings from Medical […]

Healthy Planet Happenings

February 2Learn T’ai Chi for Health & FitnessYang Style T’ai Chi is characterized by slow, rhythmic movements of the body. The Form can be practiced at any age, requires no special equipment beyond comfortable, loose clothing and flat, thin-soled shoes. Once learned, the Form takes about eight minutes to practice. To learn more about T’ai Chi […]

Healthy Planet Spring Expo Set For Sunday, March 29

Due the current outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the HealthyPlanet’s 39th Natural Living Expo scheduled for March 29 at theWebster Groves Recreation Center is being postponed. The health of ourexhibitors and our visitors is our main concern. We will let everyoneknow the new date as we access the current health crisis. If you haveany questions, […]

Heart Health: The Extraordinary Health Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids

By Jon P. Frieda

Several times a week, individuals come into visit Neels Pharmacy with questions about fish oil. There are several frequently asked questions. Why do we need to take fish oil? What are EPA and DHA? In what quantity and how often do I need to take a fish oil supplement? The bottom line […]

Irresistible Community Builders, LLC presents: Deep Climate Adaptation

By Tom Braford

We are out to create a net positive, intentional, community-based model.

Much has been written about the need for taking a deep dive into adaptation now, for both the mental and the physical health benefits.

What’s missing, however, from what I can see, is a comprehensive, scalable program for how we can do that in […]

Motivating Yourself Into A More Fabulous You in 2020

Practice Breathing And Improve Your Health

By Dr. Amy Davis, MD

People frequently live in a chronic state of fight or flight. This creates a long term drain on your energy and health. The negative impacts on your body may include fatigue, weight gain, poor digestion, sleep problems, memory and concentration impairment, anxiety and depression, heart disease, osteoporosis etc. It’s very important […]

Preventing, Treating & Reversing Cardiovascular Disease

By TJ Williams, DC, PhD

Cardiovascular disease is the number 1 killer in America. It is also preventable. We all have someone close to us dealing with cardiovascular disease. Whether it is high blood pressure, clogged arteries, or maybe they had a heart attack, we all know someone.

The answer to heart disease is simple: stop doing […]

Publisher’s Corner

Make Yourself Number One

First I want to say I am not a therapist or a relationship counselor. But I am 68 years old and the father of two grown daughters with a history of love and heartache. I have been married twice. So that at least makes me an experienced participant in affairs of the […]

The Art of Relating

Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW www.ChristineKniffen.com

How To Heal A Broken Heart

As I have probably mentioned before, most who come to a counselor’s office do so in reaction to a troubled relationship or one that has just ended. “I want the pain to stop” is what most say upon entering my office. I often reply, “If I had […]