
Healthy Planet Spring Natural Living Expo Goes Virtual During Month Of May

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the State-wide stay-at-home order, the Healthy Planet Spring Natural Living Expo will go virtual during the entire month of May at www.thehealthyplanet.com. You will be able to go to our website’s homepage and click on the Virtual Natural Living Expo button and it will take you to the Expo. There will be many of our regular exhibitors and some new ones, too. You will learn about how to live healthier, happier and more sustainable lives for yourself, your family and your community. You will read about each of our virtual exhibitors in short profiles and then be directed via live links to their websites for more information and in some cases video presentations. 

As of this writing, participating exhibitors include: Arizmendi Ecovillage, Earthways Center, Eco Paper Arts, Forrest Keeling Nursery, Gateway Center for Performing Arts, Humane Society of Missouri, Missouri Coalition For The Environment, Missouri Department of Conservation, ProActive Chiropractic, St. Louis Allergy Relief, Stimulate Wellness, Traveling Tea, Treats Unleashed, US Green Building Council, Edg-Clif Winery, Perennial Artisan Ales, Creativity for the Soul, Flourish, Terri Langerak Harpist, Carol Eder guitarist, Stonehollow Studios, and many more signing up each day.

You can also enter a drawing for a $600 Trout Lodge Getaway to be enjoyed when life opens up again. 

Since so many people will still be sheltered-in-place during the month of May, we invite you to spend some time at our Virtual Natural Living Expo and find the resources you need to live healthier and more sustainable lives. This is the perfect opportunity to support our virtual exhibitors who represent small, local businesses. 

We know this has been a tough time on everyone, but together we can get through this.

Join us at our virtual Spring Natural Living Expo during the month of May. Admission is FREE! No mask required.