
Are You A Square Peg In A Round Hole?

by Debbie Haikal,

the Common Sense R.N.


Is your health a concern? Do you ever feel that what seems to work for everyone else doesn’t for you? Health problems manifest differently with each person. No patient is a cookie cutter case. One frequent question I receive is, “I know I am a difficult case, but I want real and honest answers that make sense to me. What I am doing is not working. Can you help me?” Unfortunately, many patients have been to multiple health care providers and are convinced that all treatment is the same.

How can health care be improved? 1) Fundamental patterns must be examined and connected to see the whole picture. 2) Find the root cause to correct health issues. 3) Patient education. For example, have you received this basic information from your doctor’s office?

• Flax seed & oil can promote inflammation if you have insulin resistance.

• Thyroid patients suspecting they have Hashimoto’s must avoid gluten.

• Supplements with iron can aggravate inflammation.

• Cholesterol levels can be controlled if the cause of inflammation is treated. Only a maximum of 20% of your cholesterol level can be influenced by diet.

• Soy products are SERMS (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). Who needs more estrogen in their life?

• Sunscreens interfere with Vitamin D absorption.

• Malt dextrin in ‘sugar-free’ food has a Glycemic Index of 130 and table sugar has a Glycemic Index of 65. (Shame on the FDA) Sugar-free foods make you FAT.

Is your doctor open-minded and open to learning? Doctors must be free to give up old failed paradigms. Is your doctor current with the latest in health care? Too many doctors treat only with what they know and dismiss what they do not know. Do they listen?

Wellness Alternatives is different. We specialize in complex cases and ‘Square Pegs’.

Our office staff spends time speaking with patients before their first visit. Personal concerns are addressed and our approach is discussed. Patients benefit because we are on the cutting edge of scientific research, labs, and nutritional compounds. We provide patient education. The health care options offered are clearly explained as to why this is the best approach, as well as why some treatments are not recommended.

We offer real help for patients with complex health issues.

Debbie Haikal, R.N., Wellness Alternatives, www.stlwa.com, 636 227 4949.

The Healthy Planet does not endorse any information contained in articles, advertisements or directory listings and we suggest consulting a health care professional before beginning any therapy or medical treatment.