
Nature Wisdom

With Pat Tuholske;

Beyond The Garden Gate

My favorite time to work in the garden is early morning when the neighborhood is quite, dew is fresh, horses are grazing and birds are singing. In these dawn visits, I discover what occurred during the night, who is ready to bloom, where water or mulch is needed. My garden opens the gate to sunrise serenity, peace and gratitude.

My gardens, never pristine, are like stepping into the wildness of Nature … a portal to an untamed, unrestrained, riotous world. Where I feel the sun on my back, smell the fragrance and taste the sweetness. As many gardeners will tell you, there is a tremendous sense of self-satisfaction in getting your hands into the dirt. It’s a passion, a desire for a deep personal connection with the natural world. A time to get out of head and into heart.

Establishing a flower garden in our new home helped me settle in and embrace this new way of life. I decided to make it an intentional gift to the community. May each passerby experience a blessed space where the outside cares do not intrude. And may each passerby feel closer to Nature as they are inspired to create their own beautiful vision of the world’s color and bounty.

Fertile ground for spiritual metaphors, gardening requires daily action and personal practice. Commitment in that neglecting to act in a timely manner may cause a setback. It takes a little research, dedication, patience and sweat-equity to manage a garden. And it is well worth the effort.

Gardens are uplifting, calming, healing places where humans and natural forces work in harmony to create beauty. I feel the whole of Nature as I forge a relationship with flora, soil, rain and sun.

My garden is a blissful refuge. I need my garden to remember who I am and maintain balance in my life. The plants and I meet in this sacred sanctuary to actively grow in wonder and awe. And I minister to them wholeheartedly.

From the time I sow the seeds to reaping the harvest, I am in constant conversation with the plants. As I witness them realizing their purpose, I am filled with gratitude and respect for the tiny seed that grows into a prolific blossom or vegetable. It is a lesson in manifestation and intention.

In my early twenties, I took my first step through the garden gate when I entered into my education as a horticulturalist. This gateway proved to be a bridge between two worlds for me as I left my old life and stepped upon my spiritual path as a plant tender.

The garden gate symbolizes growth, adaptation and harmony. A doorway to inspiration and contemplation, it is a passage to opportunities and possibilities. Step over the threshold into your secret inner garden. Invite some magic into your life and trust the journey.

See Pat’s Wild Wreaths, Wheels, and Twig Art crafted from Ozark native plants at willowrainherbalgoods.com and at Green Door Art Gallery. Check out her Field Journal for her musings on the Human-Nature relationship.