
Are Wood Floors Really Eco-Friendly?

By Richard Olson

At first thought, using lumber in any type of mass production lends one to remember pictures of barren hillsides that had been raped of their trees by logging companies. It’s difficult to imagine or calculate how forests can replenish themselves when harvested in such massive quantities. My mind could not wrap around these thoughts until I heard a lecture at the National Wood Flooring Convention Trade Show. The speakers gave specific data on how many trees in certain areas were harvested per year and how many were being planted. After many decades of forest management practices, these industry officials have practiced and proven methods to regulate and monitor the re-growth of timber in the logging industry. It is awesome, although, unfortunately not so in every area of the world. Thus we find the need for such things as The Lacey Act which helps reduce illegal logging in the tropics and helps protect the legal forestry industry in the United States.

For every board foot of wood that gets cut down in US forests, 2 to 3 board feet are there to replenish the supply. These numbers have been on the positive side of the scale for many years.

Another benefit of tree harvesting is the removal from the environment of carbon emissions that are absorbed from the atmosphere by the trees as they generate oxygen. These contaminants cease to be any threat to the eco-system when they are removed and sealed in a wood product.

The wood import market is becoming more compliant with good foresting practices. It is beginning to show in the prices of such materials as; Brazilian Cherry (jatoba), Santos Mahogany, and other species harvested from rain forests. These materials are experiencing higher costs and limited availability directly resulted from better forest management and enforcement of such standards by U.S. watchdogs. We, as consumers, need to support companies who brave the increases in pricing in order to do their part in preserving this earth for generations to come.

We at, JUST AROUND THE CORNER FLOORING are passionate about our world and about the beautiful, functional artwork we produce in wood floors. Our estimators are experts at assisting with design ideas that we, as artisans, know how to implement. Our employees are well trained and take pride in transforming your home. You’ll be satisfied from the initial contact to the years of service we offer our customers. Since 1989 we have proven this repeatedly and hope to continue through many generations to come.

Richard Olson is the owner of Just Around The Corner, Inc., a local flooring company.

For more information call 314-487-9909 or visit them online at www.jatcwoodfloors.com.