
Culver Way Ecovillage To Pilot Mutual Benefit Trust Movement in St. Louis

by Tom & Carol Braford


Have you ever wished you could give your banker or money lender a strongly worded reason why you won’t be needing their services anymore?  Well, now you can!

Through a revolutionary financial instrument called Sovereign Technology Credit Obligations (STCO), we can now turn on its head the way we have traditionally done green investing and financing.  Current models are based on regressive assumptions about depreciating assets and risk management that are myopic when it comes to measuring true value.

This new protocol can be used as a bonding instrument on huge public projects, but also as a binding mutual agreement among green investors and green community homebuyers or business owners who understand that the term green can apply to a lot more than just the color of money.

Once this way of doing business catches on, it may be the only way to make money, because STCO’s are designed to begin reaping the benefit that will be generated by upgrading to energy saving, green technologies in the future.  As it turns out, ecovillage development is a near perfect alignment of social and technological innovation.

To find out why this is so and learn how you can benefit as an investor, a buyer or both, please plan to attend the upcoming seminar, ‘Investing in our Mutual Future’ (see www.stl350.com for details).

Other great news: we now have six potential ecovillage sites in the green lining queue, all part of a huge grant application we just filed. They will serve as the vanguard in the movement to build or retrofit 100 ecovillages in the greater St. Louis region by 2020. If you have buildings or property that you would like to add to the queue, please give us a call.

Building lots of ecovillages in our region is part of the movement to have the St. Louis region be known as Eco City USA by 2020 and part of the St. Louis 2020 Climate Leadership Campaign.  The goal of this second campaign is to reduce climate emissions by 80% in our region by 2020 by establishing sustainable lifestyles and economies.

Please join us for an open house and potluck lunch at the Ecovillage on Saturday, January 16th at 11:00.



Culver Way Ecovillage:

Tom & Carol Braford,





Green Beings Urban farm:

Sabrina Hilton,

