
25th Annual World Peace Day Celebration, December 31

By Jeannie Breeze


How quickly 2010 has seemed to pass! Such an accelerated time! We have been challenged to stay calm and optimistic in these incredible moments, where all of history and perhaps the fate of the Earth itself, sometimes seem to hang in the balance. I hope you have kept sweet company with that sacred space within your heart where faith and clarity abide, for it is from that space that our ability to accomplish our mutual vision of a healed and peaceful earth arises.

Please join us for the 25th anniversary of the annual World Peace Day Celebration on Dec. 31, 2010, 6 a.m. at Central Reform Congregation, 5020 Waterman (at Kingshighway) in St. Louis’ Central West End. The musical lineup this year is stellar: you’ll rock with the Gateway to Agape Choir, love the guitar & vocals of Tim Mead, be transported into ethereal realms as Margaret Waddell performs the chants of Hildegard of Bingen, and journey into the space of the heart on the waves of ambient sound as Margaret joins with Patti Pellerito, Bradford Smith, and Raven Wolf C. Felton Jennings working magic together with Tibetan singing bowls, flutes, saxophone, didgeridoo, and voice.  Doors open at 5 a.m., so you can come and walk the labyrinth, kindly donated by Labyrinth Enterprises and installed by Judy Hopen, (aka The Angel of Peace). You’ll be enchanted by the glowing luminarias lining the walkways to the entrance, and enjoy the warm welcome by Rabbi Randy Fleisher, and the perspective shared by Earth Angel, Jean Ponzi. The focus of this year’s meditation, led by event organizer Jeannie Breeze is practicing “the presence”, learning the art of hearing with the ear of the heart. JOIA Percussion ensemble will once again open the event with bells and wrap up the event with their exuberant drumming. A potluck breakfast follows the service: bring already prepared fare (no pork please); coffee, tea, plates & utensils are provided.

This Universal Faith Service, generated by InnerMission for World Peace, is always free and open to ALL, though a love donation is invited to support the event.

Please visit our new web site at www.wpdaystl.com for full information, or contact Jeannie Breeze at 314-601-3789, or jbreeze46@aol.com. This wonderful celebration has long been considered one of St. Louis’ most popular New Age events. Please join us!

For a list of observances across the nation visit www.quartus.org and click on World Healing Day.